
The most crucial part of the job search process is the formal interview. 的秘密 of good interviewing is preparation and skilled communication. 你没有时间了 面试机会. From the moment you greet the interviewer until your departure, 你创造的印象是不可逆转的. 做正式的个人陈述 of your knowledge, skills, and abilities requires research and practice.


An online system that combines training and practice to help improve your interview technique and build your confidence - all from your personal computer.




USA 职业发展 can assist you with preparing for your interview. 你可以安排 a mock interview in Navigate South and can contact our staff at (251) 460-6188 with 如果有任何问题.





不要只是参加招聘会! 出发前做好准备,充分利用 的机会.






  1. What are your long-range career goals, when and why did you establish these goals, 你准备如何实现这些目标?
  2. What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?
  3. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  4. 你如何描述自己?
  5. 你的同事会如何评价你?
  6. 你的大学经历对你的职业生涯有何帮助?
  7. 我为什么要雇佣你?
  8. What qualifications do you have that make you think you will be successful?
    In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
  9. Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and subordinates.
  10. What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?
  11. 是什么让你选择了这个专业?
  12. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
  13. 你觉得什么样的工作环境最舒服?
  14. Describe your part-time or summer jobs and explain what you learned from them.
  15. How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation?
  16. 你对我们公司了解多少?
  17. What two or three things are most important to you in your job?
  18. What criteria are you using to evaluate prospective employers?
  19. 你有地域偏好吗? and Why?
  20. 你会搬迁吗??
  21. Describe a major problem you encountered and how you dealt with it.


  1. 根据过去的记录找出典型的职业道路.
  2. 请解释评估和晋升的过程.
  3. What is the retention rate of people in the position for which I am interviewing?
  4. 描述典型的第一年作业.
  5. 告诉我你最初和将来的培训计划.
  6. 这份工作的挑战是什么?
  7. 公司未来的计划是什么?
  8. 公司将会出现什么样的行业趋势?
  9. 贵公司与竞争对手的不同之处是什么?
  10. 组织的优势和劣势是什么?
  11. How would you describe your organization’s personality and management style?
  12. 你对新员工有什么期望?
  13. Describe the position in the overall structure of the department.
  14. What characteristics does a successful person have at your organization?

时钟图标In a survey of more than 2,000 hiring managers, 3% claimed to know whether or not 他们会在90秒内雇佣一个人.


  • 55% 你的穿着、行为和进门的方式
  • 38% 你的声音质量,语法和自信
  • 7% 你选择说的话


  • 70% of employers claim they don't want applicants to be overly fashionable or trendy
  • 65% of hiring managers say clothes can be  the deciding factor between two similar candidates


  • 67% 没有眼神交流
  • 47% 对公司知之甚少
  • 38% 不笑
  • 33% 姿势不好
  • 33% 过于烦躁
  • 26% 握手软弱无力
  • 21% 玩他们的头发或摸他们的脸
  • 21% 双臂交叉在胸前
  • 9% 使用过多的手势


    1. 过度解释你失去上一份工作的原因
    2. 传达出你还没有从失去上一份工作中恢复过来
    3. 缺乏幽默感、热情或个性的
    4. 没有表现出足够的兴趣或热情的
    5. 对潜在雇主的调查不充分
    6. 过于专注于自己想要的东西
    7. 想要迎合所有人
    8. “临场”面试
    9. 没有把自己和其他候选人区分开来
    10. 没有主动要求这份工作


    1. 你在那里的经历是怎样的...?
    2. 你为什么想为我们工作?
    3. 你对我们公司了解多少?
    4. 你为什么离开上一份工作?


    1. 了解组织
    2. 你心中有想要填补的特定职位吗
    3. 回顾你的工作资格
    4. 准备好简要描述相关经验


  • 评估自己
    Know your strengths and weaknesses before you walk in the door. 永远不要指望雇主 to tell you where you might fit in an organization; you should already know. Hint: 专注于自己的优势. 淡化弱点. 你可能会说你的缺点是完美主义, 并将其视为一种力量.
  • 阅读雇主资料
    You should have some knowledge of company policies, employment opportunities, products 和服务. Look for a chance in the interview to communicate what you know.
  • 核实详情
    找出面试的确切时间和地点. 至少提前五分钟到达. 迟到是没有借口的——永远没有! 记住面试官的名字,正确的发音, 以及他或她的头衔.


  • 推销自己
    Illustrate your personal qualities and strongest abilities with examples from your past. 不只是回答问题吗. 试着解决任何潜在的问题 think the employer might have about your suitability for the job.
  • 是积极的
    You will create a better impression by being honest and candid. 如果招聘人员问 about shortcomings, explain circumstances rather than giving excuses or blaming.
  • 非语言交流
    Sitting up straight will make you appear poised and confident throughout the interview. 你的穿着传达了一种信息. 认为保守. 紧张的手和脚 分散注意力的.
  • 问有意义的问题
    这份工作的职责是什么? 是否提供培训?? 进步有可能吗?? 这份工作需要出差吗? 我最愿意和哪些人一起工作? 工作表现如何? measured?


  • 跟进
    Provide credentials, references, or transcripts requested by the prospective employer 尽快. Be sure to write down the name, title, and address of the recruiter. You must send a brief typed letter of appreciation for the interview opportunity.


  • Suit or tailored dress in navy or dark gray; no extreme slits
  • Polished, closed-toe shoes, basic pumps with medium or low heels, no scuffs
  • 指甲细腻,干净,中等到短
  • 化妆应该尽量少
  • 避免蕾丝和低胸衬衫
  • 选择公文包或手提包
  • 简单基本的首饰,一枚戒指
  • Always wear hosiery and match to shoes and skirt for continuity
  • 没有香水
  • 高质量的笔


  • 海军蓝、深灰色或细条纹西装
  • 皮鞋抛光,鞋底是皮的,鞋跟没有磨损
  • 黑色或海军蓝及膝袜
  • 干净的指甲
  • 新发型
  • 保守的领带
  • 纯白衬衫
  • Avoid flashy cuff links, rings or neck chains, no earrings
  • One ring
  • 没有香水
  • 公文包或文件夹和高品质钢笔




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